In this tutorial, I will show you how to make overlapping text with reflections. I used GIMP to produce this effect.
The Text Overlay Effect
In this tutorial, I will show you how to make overlapping text with reflections. Made in GIMP.
1. Getting Started
- Begin by opening up Gimp –> making a 1600 x 1200 with 480dpi page and its transparency.
Getting Started
2. Fill Background with Black
- Now grab the paint bucket and fill it black:
3. Text Tool
Text Tool
4. Text Properties
- With the following settings: Font: Sans, Colour: White, Size: 410
Text Properties
5. All Letters
- Repeat the above steps until you have all your letters, like below:
All Letters
6a. Alignment
- To help with the alignment: Go View –> Show Grid
- And go View –> Snap to Grid
Snap to Grid
7. Layout
- Then align all your letters up with a little bit of overlap between them:
8. Alpha to Selection
On the “letter layer” (mine is: S) Go: Layer –> Transparency –> Alpha to Selection
Alpha to Selection
9. Colouring
- Now add some colour (mine is: green, with 75% Opacity), You may like to make the Opacity less!:
10. Repeat
- Fill in the “Whole Selection” and Repeat the above steps for all your letters!:
11. Moving Layers
- You can change which letters overlap each other by moving their layers
Moving Layers
12. Merge Down
- Then “Right Click” on the layer and “Merge Down”, all letters!
Merge Down
13. Gaussian Blur
- Duplicate the “Letters Layer”, and then go Filters –> Blur –> Gaussian Blur
Gaussian Blur
- Settings around: 45 and 45.
14. Glow Effect
- You should now have a “Glow Effect”, then Merge Down that layer.
Glow Effect
15. Rotate and Flip
- Duplicate the layer, and Rotate 180degrees and Flip sideways:
Rotate and Flip
- Then Move it down, until there is a slight gap:
Move it down
16. Add Layer Mask
- Now go Layer –> Mask –> Add Layer Mask
Add Layer Mask
- Settings: White(Full Opacity)
17. Gradient Tool
Grab the Gradient Tool with these settings: FG Only: Black
Gradient Tool
- Apply Gradient like below:
Apply Gradient
- Should look like this, and then Merge Down:
Merge Down
18. Rotate
- Now Rotate the “Letters Layer” (around -15degrees works nicely):
And you are now finished!!!
I hope you like it and credit goes to tutorial9:
Written by Mike
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Michael Scott is the publisher and photographer behind Scott Photographics! He is very passionate about his photography and enjoys sharing the best of his experiences for others to enjoy too! Contact Mike via
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Very nice!
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>_< didn't work for me either -_- stupid gimp…
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