Lighting Effect
In this tutorial, I will show you how so improve boring text with some simple lighting. I used GIMP to produce this effect.

Lighting Effect
In this tutorial, I will give you a step-by-step guide on how to create an awesome motion blur like background with text, all done in GIMP It’s easy to make and looks awesome!
Begin by opening up Gimp –> making a 1600 x 1200 with 300dpi page and its transparency.
Now go Filters–>Render–>Clouds–>Solid Noise
Settings are: Detail:15, X:16, Y:0.1, Turbulent and Randomize
It should look like this:
Then go to Filters –> Distorts –> Polar Coordinates
And set it to Both 0 and 0
Should look like this:
Grab the Gradient tool White FG only
Apply the gradient like below:
Should look like this:
Now repeat that step!
And then increase the length of the gradient outwards (like below):
Should look like this:
Create a new layer Name: Colour, and make it Transparency
Now grab the Gradient Tool Set it to the following settings as shown below:
Apply Gradient Tool like below:
Should look like this now, and set the layer to OVERLAY:
We have some colour now!
Now add your text, with the settings below:
Like this:
Then go Filters –> Light and Shadows –> Drop Shadow
Set it to the following settings: 12, 12, 40, White , Opacity:80
Looks like this, with a nice white shadow!
Now while on the text layer, use the Eclipse Tool and draw something like below:
Then go Layer –> Transperency –> Intersect with Selection
You now have a selection like this:
Grab the Gradient Tool with the following settings:
Apply the Gradient like below:
Now it looks like this, Deselect everything (Ctrl + Shift + A).
Merge that Layer Down
And then Duplicate
Then Rotate it 180degrees (Layer –> Transform –> Rotate 180)And Flip it the other way (Shift + F) Like this:
Then move it up so there is only a slight gap, like below:
Now go Layer –> Mask –> Add Layer Mask
Choose WHITE (Full Opacity)
Now grab The Gradient Tool and set it to FG Only: Black , with 100% Opacity
Apply Gradient like below:
You get a nice fading reflection!
Now create a new Layer: Flare
Rember the Coordiante of where you’d like the Lens Flare: mine is 420, 470:
And now Fill the Layer with Black
Now go to: Filters –> Light and Shadows –> Lens Flare
Enter your Cooridinates: X:420 Y:470
This may take awhile, but will look like this, Then change the Flare layer to SCREEN:
You may colorize this layer Color –> Colorize and change the HUE to whatever, I did Blue:
Make a new Layer: Name: Border and Transparency.
Grab the Gradient Tool and with the following settings:
Apply gradient like this (below):
Looks like this:
You may move the Layer down, to just 2nd last (above the Background Layer)
You’re finished!
I hope you like it, please comment and Rate!
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Thanks for the feedback, I’ll be updating some of the images very soon! :)
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I liked it alot and it was very helpful. However, such a shame that the gradient tool pictures are bad quality because chaning gradient from linear to radial can be easily missed. Also I would suggest colorizing last and create a new layer because if you colourise on the layer of the flare you can’t change the position of the flare without making it look dodgy.
Nevertheless Great Turorial! :)