It’s nearly 2010, the end of a massive decade and sure to go out with a bang :P ! So, I’ve collected some stunning photos of fireworks that can help inspire you to take the perfect shot this New Year’s Eve!

Australia Day Fireworks - by Sam Ilic

Fireworks 04 - by sunsurfr

Heart of Satan - by Trey Ratcliff

Sydney New Years Eve Fireworks 2007 - by Christopher Chan

St. Louis Arch & Fireworks - by Timothy K Hamilton

Fireworks #1 - by Camera Slayer

Fourth on Lake Austin - by Trey Ratcliff

FireWorks ? - by richardcox8592

Fireworks in Taipei ... - by Fishtail@Taipei

Sydney New Years Fireworks 2009 - by sachman75

Disney - Illimunations - Reflections of Earth - by Express Monorail

Paris, 14 Juillet 2009 - by iulian nistea

Dump and Burn - by Garry

July 4th Fireworks - by SRivera

cromer 1 - by tim caynes
All of these photographs are protected by Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike.
Written by Mike
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Michael Scott is the publisher and photographer behind Scott Photographics! He is very passionate about his photography and enjoys sharing the best of his experiences for others to enjoy too! Contact Mike via
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breath takig photos i really liked it