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Making a Watercolour-Paint Photograph in GIMP

This tutorial requires a little bit of creativity and imagination for the painting step, but don’t worry it is all very easy to get the hang of and the rest is a breeze!

Watercolor - Paint Photograph in GIMP

Watercolor - Paint Photograph in GIMP

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How to Fake a Tilt-Shift Miniature Photograph in GIMP

Tilt-Shift Photography is a great technique to experiment with and if you don’t want to spend your money on a new lens then it is possible to replicate the effect, and in this tutorial I’ll show you how to achieve this effect!

Fake Tilt-Shift Miniature in GIMP

Fake Tilt-Shift Miniature in GIMP

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How to make Photographs Vintage in GIMP

Vintage style is sometimes desired to achieve a certain mood and aesthetic for a photograph. In this Gimp tutorial I’ll show you how to make your photographs Vintage in a few short easy steps.

Vintage Photograph in GIMP

Vintage Photograph in GIMP

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Quick-Masking Soft Light Leaks on Photographs in Photoshop

This is a tutorial on how to recreate light leaks on photographs similarly to the those found on film photos that have been exposed to light via a crack or gap in the case. It is not as sharp and defined as most light leaks, as a softer finish is more appealing in this case.

Quick-Masking Light Leaks on Photographs in Photoshop

Quick-Masking Light Leaks on Photographs in Photoshop

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Shot of the Day #66

In March I was photographing down at South Bank Promenade, Melbourne on a Saturday night, when the weather was still pleasant enough to have dinner by the Yarra River. As always there were the street performers – Fire Twirlers, and as I found out, also a perfect photo opportunity to experiment with slow shutter speeds! Later in Photoshop I grayscaled the crowd and masked the performer into the spotlight.

Fire Twirler Black and White

Fire Twirler Black and White

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