November 10, 2013

Shot of the Day #79

Its hard not to notice how similar Baboons are to humans, their appearance, behaviour and the little mannerisms that look all too familiar. Unfortunately, for us much bigger primates we have the worries of taxes and laundry to keep us occupied, something your average baboon would care little for. Then again, taxes and laundry aren’t the only things that separate us, believe it of not. I think its something like 2% DNA that defines us from them genetically and a whole world of rules and infrastructure called civilisation. Also, the theory that we as humans possess this empowering conscience that gives us the moral high ground over animals. However, sometimes this can lead people to commit terrible acts against animals, and believing that a lack of conscience gives justification.

As I watched and photographed these kind Kinda Baboons in Zambia, I struggled to see that lack of conscience or compassion, and the whole them from us debate. It might have been my dehydration due to the sweltering heat, but whatever these funny looking Baboons had or didn’t, it looked relatively bliss. It was as though materialism hadn’t been introduced to these characters, all they had was each other and their journey through life was central to sustaining one other. Maybe materialism is all that separates us from them?

You might be wondering its just a picture of some baboons, settle down! My time in Africa was eyeopening to say the least, and one thing that resonated most with me was Africa’s reliance on their natural resources, animals. As I post more photographs in the coming weeks of Africa’s most extraordinary walks of life, I will talk about the struggles that these animals face with humans materialistic obsession. I hope I haven’t read too much into this photograph and made it more than what it is, I just think we could learn a thing or two from them.

Anyway, how cute do these Kinda Baboons look!

Kinda Baboons, Livingstone, Zambia

Kinda Baboons, Livingstone, Zambia


  • ISO 125
  • F 2.8
  • 1/90 secs
  • 70 mm
  • Sony a99
  • Carl Zeiss 24-70 2,8
  • Hand-Held
  • Post-Processing: Adobe Lightroom 4

If you’d like to use these photographs please Contact Me!

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Written by Mike

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Michael Scott is the publisher and photographer behind Scott Photographics! He is very passionate about his photography and enjoys sharing the best of his experiences for others to enjoy too! Contact Mike via email!

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