Posts tagged ‘copyrightedÂ’


Shot of the Day #27

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Up in country Victoria a couple weeks back – just great to see all the gum trees ‘furry’ with leaves as they rejuvenate since the February ’09 Bushfires. I had the Canon 5D Mark II with me so I was testing all the features and the full frame is really sweet,  was about a metre away from this cottage chimney and was able to take a snap with minimal lens distortion! I thought black and white suited well, what do you think – original just below?


Black and White - Old Cottage Chimney

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Shot of the Day #26

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Experimenting with paper sheets and light :P These photographs are purely sheets of paper inverted in the GIMP and coloured – taken with various lighting angles.


Inverted Paper Sheets!

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Simple solution to Hands-Free BULB exposures – Rubber Band and Eraser – DIY

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The majority of DSLR Cameras only have long hands-Free shutter speeds of 30 or 60 seconds, but as you know these shutter times are not always enough especially if your attempting a star trails shot. So, the solution is to buy a shutter release cable, however for such a simple task it shouldn’t require a shutter release cable costing $50 – $100, which is the going price these days! So, instead of paying ~$50 just grab a 10 cent rubber-band and an old eraser!


Rubber Band and Eraser!

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Shot of the Day #25

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Photographing flowers with water-droplets is always a bit of fun, however I think I’ve got plenty of flower photos on my hard-drive :P Anyway the a point of this shot was an example for my quick tip about improving flower shots with water droplets!


Slightly HDR(ed) with some added colour

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Shot of the Day #23

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Power lines are often associated with negative connotations of how ugly and degrading they are to the natural landscapes, however I’ve attempted to represent them as a dynamical photogenic object by composing a wide angle and slightly distorted photo with the long electrical cables stretching past the frame.


High Voltage Power Lines

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