Shot of the Day #63
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The sky in the Outback is always a rich deep blue and the sunsets are just as stunning – The black silhouettes of the harsh outback lands and a painterly mirage of clouds backlit by the falling Sun. There was a slight breeze while I was photographing the sunset and I had in mind that I would want to later lift the vibrant colours of the clouds in Camera Raw with an HDR effect, so instead of the three+ exposures I opted for raw. The screenshot below shows my adjustments in Camera Raw!
Shot of the Day #37
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This long exposure is of a Road Train travelling along the Stuart Highway not far out from Alice Springs. I was standing just off to the side of the road with my camera and tripod when this massive (only) 2 trailer Road Train came howling past. The red and orange LED lights made excellent light streams, but unfortunately my camera’s sensor was too hot to expose long enough to capture the stars (so clear in the Outback) :P !
Post-Processing Infrared Photographs in Photoshop
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I have recently become interested in Infrared Photography and I had a bit of trouble finding good ways to post-process my IR photos. So, here is my method to editing those starkly ‘red/magenta’ photographs!
This is the before/after shot: