Posts tagged ‘images’


Shot of the Day #61

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Marysville was buzzing yesterday lunchtime with all the day-trippers buying lunch at the famous Marysville Bakery! This photograph was taken lying down looking up, in between the tall two Gum Trees. Using Camera Raw in Photoshop I was able to uncover some of the detail in the shadows, especially right in the foreground.

Looking Up at Gum Trees

Looking Up at Gum Trees

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Shot of the Day #60

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Dingoes are famous in the Outback, not just for the accusations that have been made in the past, but as I found out at night when they sometimes congregate together and howl! This was taken near the Uluru Cultural Centre and where he was just wandering around, maybe scavenging for scraps and wasn’t looking to harm anyone passing by just a couple metres away – nothing made out from stories or movies!



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Shot of the Day #57

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Alice Springs was named after the waterhole ‘Alice Spring’ that was named after the wife of Sir Charles Todd (the Postmaster – as the town was originally a Telegraph Station). This photograph is a stitched panorama of two images – my polariser was able emphasise the reflections on the waters surface and create a more vibrant look to the overall photo.

Alice Spring - Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia

Alice Spring - Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia

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Making Photographs Black & White in GIMP

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Black and White images have been neglected ever since the introduction of colour into film photography, due to the fact that colour is ‘best’ and what we see (colour) is the true beauty of a scene/object. As this is the case now, whenever black and white images are created it is perceived as a kind of artistic aesthetic that the photographer has wanted to achieve and considering colour is the norm now, this photograph is viewed in a different light and more of an artists creation rather than the representative. So, I hope to get you more creative in experimenting with your photographs with these easy Black and White conversion processes!

Black and White - Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia

Black and White - Sand Dune, Northern Territory, Australia

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How to make a basic watermark in Photoshop

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Watermarks are sometimes very annoying especially if large and so distracting that it draws the view away never to return. I’ll help you make a watermark basic enough to not discourage your audience yet ugly enough to stop takers. If you are using GIMP checkout the tutorial here:!

How to make a basic watermark in Photoshop

How to make a basic watermark in Photoshop

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