Christmas Wallpaper
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Making a Christmas Wallpaper in GIMP! This is perfect for Christmas Cards, Letters, Emails, or just a Wallpaper for your computer!
Layer Mask Retouching
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In this tutorial I’ll show you how to retouch your images with layer masks. This can be very handy when you’ve taken a few photos, but the best one you have is slightly out of focus and you’d like to blend in the focused part onto the your preferred image.
Lighting Effect
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In this tutorial, I will show you how so improve boring text with some simple lighting. I used GIMP to produce this effect.

Lighting Effect
Overlapping Text Effect
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In this tutorial, I will show you how to make overlapping text with reflections. I used GIMP to produce this effect.

The Text Overlay Effect
Text Reflection
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A simple GIMP tutorial detailing how to make elegant text reflections that look great!