Posts tagged ‘light’


Shot of the Day #38

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I woke up fairly early (6:30 am) and went down to the Olgas viewing area to catch the sunrise. There were quite a few photographers there already, with their tripods setup in prime position (you have to get up pretty early to get the special corner edge of the platform :P), so I had to race around them with my camera capturing the different angles as the light changed over the Olgas and Uluru. In this photograph you can see the small silhouette of Uluru on the horizon (right), and the rising sun as the light spreads out across the frosty desert.

Sunrise over the Red Centre

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Post-Processing Infrared Photographs in Photoshop

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I have recently become interested in Infrared Photography and I had a bit of trouble finding good ways to post-process my IR photos. So, here is my method to editing those starkly ‘red/magenta’ photographs!

This is the before/after shot:

Infrared Post-Processing

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Paper Sculptures – Lighting – DIY

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I haveĀ  always been intrigued by the ‘Mac Screen Saver’ with the Paper Sculptures, so I decided to attempt the effect my self in a similar way. It took a while to figure out how to set things up, but I eventually created some interesting lighting angles and paper curls with a simple idea and method! Here is a short overview on how to create the effect and a little post-processing in gimp.

Paper Sheets

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Digital Blending – Dynamic Range – GIMP

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When wanting to combine two or more photographs for a higher dynamic range (HDR) or correcting an overexposed photograph, I mostly use programs like Photomatix, however it is sometimes too difficult or frustrating fiddling with the settings for minutes getting nowhere. So, there is an easier way and in certain cases much better than an HDR especially if you want to avoid those really surreal photographs – Digital Blending is the way to go, you can be much more selective with your increases/decreases in dynamic range and get more realistic results.


Digital Blending - Petronas Towers, Malaysia

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Shot of the Day #23

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Power lines are often associated with negative connotations of how ugly and degrading they are to the natural landscapes, however I’ve attempted to represent them as a dynamical photogenic object by composing a wide angle and slightly distorted photo with the long electrical cables stretching past the frame.


High Voltage Power Lines

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