April-May Round-Up of Favourite Tutorials
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It is sometimes hard to keep up with all the new posts over the months especially for new visitors or people in a hurry, so here is the round up of the most viewed and best rated Tutorials of April and May 2010 on Scott Photographics. In order of most views:
Shot of the Day #36
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Long Exposure photography is my number one technique to use, and I love finding new things to try with long shutter speeds. This photograph is one of my crazy exposures that involves no perfected skill to create, it is purely blurred streams of light produced by waving my camera around with the shutter open :P ! I think it makes a great Desktop Image for your computer, it’s mine at the moment!
Post-Processing Infrared Photographs in Photoshop
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I have recently become interested in Infrared Photography and I had a bit of trouble finding good ways to post-process my IR photos. So, here is my method to editing those starkly ‘red/magenta’ photographs!
This is the before/after shot:
Artie – Australian Photographer – Inspiration
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Artie’s HDR photography has been the best inspiration I’ve had for my photography! Artie’s photographs always have perfect clarity and his post-processing work flow reaps great success, especially with ‘noise’ a large factor in HDR processing that troubles even the best photographers, whereas Artie shows no problem with his stunning shots :)
The Sandpit – Tilt-shift Photography by Aero Film
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Tilt-Shift Photography is amazing there’s no doubt about it, but the artist Sam O’Hare has just made it more stunning with this new miniature video of New York!
“Aero Director/ VFX artist Sam O’Hare has finished a short film, The Sandpit, that we’re very excited to be able to share with you. This short is inspired by films like Koyaanisqatsi (really, that’s not in spell check??), and time-lapse tilt shift photography. Click to see The Sandpit. (For best viewing, check HD and watch in full screen mode.)” [read on here]
The Sandpit from Sam O’Hare on Vimeo.