Posts tagged ‘Shot’


Shot of the Day #32

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I have been kindly lent a macro lens – Canon Macro lens EFS  60mm 1:2.8 USM – and it is amazing to shot with :) ! I’ve experimented with water-droplets and generally snapping at anything really close-up, here is a ‘Jumping-Spider’ super close-up with the macro lens and slightly cropped.


Jumping Spider Close-up!

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Shot of the Day #31

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It is ANZAC Day here in Australia and there are services all over the country remembering the young service men and women of the past and present who fought for our freedom.



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Shot of the Day #27

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Up in country Victoria a couple weeks back – just great to see all the gum trees ‘furry’ with leaves as they rejuvenate since the February ’09 Bushfires. I had the Canon 5D Mark II with me so I was testing all the features and the full frame is really sweet,  was about a metre away from this cottage chimney and was able to take a snap with minimal lens distortion! I thought black and white suited well, what do you think – original just below?


Black and White - Old Cottage Chimney

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