Posts from the ‘Featured’ Category


Making a 3D New Year Wallpaper in Photoshop

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As twenty-ten draws to an end we look forward to the new year and all the fun celebrations, so I thought I’d get those creative minds working in time for the festive season. This tutorial will require Illustrator as well as Photoshop, but don’t worry if you do not have Illustrator you can easily download the PSD for that step!

3D New Year Wallpaper in Photoshop

3D New Year Wallpaper in Photoshop

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60+ Best GIMP Tutorials of 2010

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The Gimp is a fantastic and free piece of software that can run on all major operating systems and can do nearly any graphic related task! I have been using GIMP for over two years now and really appreciated the many tutorials I had at hand for when I was starting out. Since the early days I have produced my own tutorials in an effort to give back to the open source community and so the purpose of this post is to share and acknowledge the hard work that people have put in into making these great tutorials of 2010!

Best GIMP Tutorials of 2010

Best GIMP Tutorials of 2010

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Popular Inspiration October – November

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Since the launch of my inspiration section there has been much popularity for more photography round-ups, so if you have missed the updates here is a list of the most popular articles over October and November 2010! In descending order of most viewed:

Popular Inspiration Oct - Nov 2010

Popular Inspiration Oct - Nov 2010

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Wallpaper in GIMP

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The festive Season is well upon us and the celebrations are only a few short weeks away, so in preparation this tutorial will help motivate you for the Holidays and produce an elegant wallpaper!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Wallpaper

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Wallpaper

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Trick Photography eBook – Review

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I recently received a copy of Evan Sharboneau’s eBook ‘Trick Photography and Special Effects‘, and discovered many new photography techniques that I had never seen before or had never knew were possible! Evan has made an easy to read ebook that contains plenty of visual inspiration for the more creative minded and is aimed at all level of photographers! There is a wide range of techniques to pick from and are all unique, avoiding the off chance you become bored!

Trick Photography and Special Effects

Trick Photography and Special Effects

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