Posts from the ‘PhotoStream’ Category


Shot of the Day #63

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The sky in the Outback is always a rich deep blue and the sunsets are just as stunning – The black silhouettes of the harsh outback lands and a painterly mirage of clouds backlit by the falling Sun. There was a slight breeze while I was photographing the sunset and I had in mind that I would want to later lift the vibrant colours of the clouds in Camera Raw with an HDR effect, so instead of the three+ exposures I opted for raw. The screenshot below shows my adjustments in Camera Raw!

Outback Sunset Silhouettes

Outback Sunset Silhouettes

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Shot of the Day #62

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Panoramas are an excellent way to really capture the true Central Australia, because it offers the wide angle view that a person would experience there. Kings Canyon is perfectly lit at sunset where the cliff walls reflect warm reds and oranges, and make a fringe around the valley river bed. The panorama consists of ten photographs covering greater than 180°degrees.

Kings Canyon Panorama

Kings Canyon Panorama

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Shot of the Day #61

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Marysville was buzzing yesterday lunchtime with all the day-trippers buying lunch at the famous Marysville Bakery! This photograph was taken lying down looking up, in between the tall two Gum Trees. Using Camera Raw in Photoshop I was able to uncover some of the detail in the shadows, especially right in the foreground.

Looking Up at Gum Trees

Looking Up at Gum Trees

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Shot of the Day #60

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Dingoes are famous in the Outback, not just for the accusations that have been made in the past, but as I found out at night when they sometimes congregate together and howl! This was taken near the Uluru Cultural Centre and where he was just wandering around, maybe scavenging for scraps and wasn’t looking to harm anyone passing by just a couple metres away – nothing made out from stories or movies!



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Shot of the Day #59

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I’ve dug this photograph up from my trip to France last September this time with the use of Photoshop Camera Raw I attempted to better the post-processing. This is the Chapel of Saint-Hubert, which is within the walls of Château d’Amboise and where Leonardo Da Vinci is buried.

Chapel of Saint-Hubert - Château d'Amboise

Chapel of Saint-Hubert - Château d'Amboise

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