Posts tagged ‘right’


Depth of Field & Aperture Explained

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You may never have thought that the aperture or the diameter of the Iris in your camera is not only for controlling the amount of light that passes through to your sensor or film, but how you control your Depth of Field (D.O.F) in your photos.

Smaller Aperture = Higher D.O.F

Smaller Aperture = Larger D.O.F

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Photomatix Pro – Software

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Photomatix Pro is a photo enhancing program for stacking differently exposed images and enabling you to create HDR images. Then you can go on to do Tone-mapping of that image.


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Water Droplets

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This tutorial on capturing water droplets with high shutter speeds will provide you with a basic but essential techniques to producing clear, crisp and non-ghosting photographs.

Water Droplets

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