Posts tagged ‘width’


Shot of the Day #25

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Photographing flowers with water-droplets is always a bit of fun, however I think I’ve got plenty of flower photos on my hard-drive :P Anyway the a point of this shot was an example for my quick tip about improving flower shots with water droplets!


Slightly HDR(ed) with some added colour

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How to make a simple watermark in GIMP

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This is a really simple tutorial and well worth the small effort required, because you’ll have something to put on your photographs/artworks without making it look too ugly while making sure you get enough credit in case your work is copied or used.


How to make a simple watermark in GIMP

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The Sandpit – Tilt-shift Photography by Aero Film

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Tilt-Shift Photography is amazing there’s no doubt about it, but the artist Sam O’Hare has just made it more stunning with this new miniature video of New York!

“Aero Director/ VFX artist Sam O’Hare has finished a short film, The Sandpit, that we’re very excited to be able to share with you. This short is inspired by films like Koyaanisqatsi (really, that’s not in spell check??), and time-lapse tilt shift photography. Click to see The Sandpit. (For best viewing, check HD and watch in full screen mode.)” [read on here]

The Sandpit from Sam O’Hare on Vimeo.

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Zoom Lens Blur Effect – Inspiration

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Here is a small selection of inspiration for the Lens Zoom Blur Effect:


Kane Gledhill – Australian/New Zealander Photographer – Inspiration

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Kane is a remarkable photographer and I enjoy following his photographs on Flickr, while receiving awesome inspiration and learning fresh techniques :) .

I'm Beached As Bro - by Matthew Stewart

Kane Gledhill

Kane’s Autobiography (from Flickr profile):

My name is Kane Gledhill, I am 27 years old.

I live in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

I’ve been a keen photographer for over 15 years; I picked up my first SLR camera when I was still in school, back when I lived in New Zealand. It was a Vivitar v2000 and it cost me $300.00 cash! I’ve probably put 100’s of rolls of film through this little gem, I’d never sell.

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