Text Reflection
A simple GIMP tutorial detailing how to make elegant text reflections that look great!
Begin by opening up Gimp –> make a 1600 x 1200 with 300 DPI page and transparency.
Now grab the paint bucket and fill it black:
Add some text in the middle.
Then grab the Eclipse Tool and select the top half of the text (like below)
Then go to Layer –> Transparency –> Intersect with Selection
Now grab the Gradient Tool and set to FG Only:White
Set the Opacity to around: 25%-50%
Apply the Gradient like below:
Should look like this now, with a lighter top half. This gives a sense of depth!
Now go Duplicate Layer (the text layer)
Then Rotate it 180degrees (Layer –> Transform –> Rotate 180) and Flip it the other way (Shift + F)
Then move it up so there is only a slight gap, like below:
Now go Layer –> Mask –> Add Layer Mask , this will allow us to make changes to the text and nothing else!
Choose WHITE (Full Opacity)
Now grab The Gradient Tool and set it to FG Only: Black , with 100% Opacity
Apply Gradient Tool like below:
You’re done!
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Thanks Brandon :) The font for “Scotty” is Bauhaus 93!
Deprecated: Function get_users_of_blog is deprecated since version 3.1.0! Use get_users() instead. in /home/scottp12/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5453
Thanks! exactly what I was looking for! What font do you use in this tutorial?